The Art of Cigar and Drink Pairing

The Gentle Art of Cigar and Drink Pairing

Understand the fundamentals of cigar and drink pairing, following the dos and don'ts, and how to handle guest inquiries with expertise, to elevate your work knowledge and skills as a hospitality professional.

In the world of hospitality, attention to detail and creating memorable experiences for guests is paramount. One aspect that can truly elevate the guest experience is the art of cigar and drink pairing. By understanding the nuances of taste, aroma, strength, size and flavor profiles, hospitality professionals can enhance their knowledge and skills to create unforgettable moments for their patrons. In this article, we will explore the essential elements of cigar and drink pairing, providing valuable insights for hotel and restaurant professionals.

Understanding Taste & Aroma

Understanding Taste & Aroma To excel in the art of cigar and drink pairing, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of taste and aroma. Cigars offer a wide range of flavors, from earthy and woody to sweet and spicy. Similarly, drinks have their own distinct flavors and aromatic profiles. By developing a discerning palate and being able to identify the different taste and aroma components, hospitality professionals can confidently recommend cigar and drink pairings that complement each other. Offering guests the perfect sensory experience can elevate their enjoyment and leave a lasting impression.

Evaluating Strength & Size

Evaluating Strength & Size When it comes to cigar and drink pairing, considering the strength and size of both elements is vital. Cigars can vary in strength, ranging from mild to full-bodied. Understanding the strength of a cigar allows professionals to recommend suitable drinks that balance and enhance the overall experience. Additionally, the size of a cigar plays a role in the pairing process. Larger cigars tend to have a longer smoking time, requiring drinks that can complement the evolving flavors as the cigar progresses. By evaluating the strength and size of cigars, hospitality professionals can curate pairings that harmonize flavors and intensify the enjoyment for their guests.

Identifying Flavor Profiles

Identifying Flavor Profiles Flavor profiles are essential in the art of cigar and drink pairing. Cigars offer a diverse range of flavors, such as creamy, nutty, or even leathery notes. Similarly, drinks possess their own unique flavor profiles. By understanding the flavor profiles of both cigars and drinks, hospitality professionals can make informed recommendations that create delightful combinations. For example, a cigar with sweet undertones might be paired with a dessert wine, enhancing the richness and complexity of both elements. By identifying and matching flavor profiles, professionals can elevate the guest experience and showcase their expertise.

Considering Size and Intensity

Considering Size and Intensity Size and intensity play a crucial role in cigar and drink pairing. The size of a cigar affects the overall smoking experience, including burn time and flavor development. Similarly, drinks can have varying levels of intensity, from light and refreshing to bold and robust. When considering pairings, hospitality professionals should take into account the size and intensity of both the cigar and the drink. For instance, a larger, more intense cigar might be better suited to a strong whiskey or a full-bodied red wine. By considering size and intensity, professionals can create harmonious pairings that enhance the flavors and create memorable moments for their guests.

Understanding Different Tobacco Leaves

To truly appreciate cigars, it is essential to understand the different tobacco leaves used in their production. Tobacco plays a critical role in the flavor profile of a cigar, with each country having its own distinct characteristics. By familiarizing yourself with the various tobacco leaves, such as those from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras and Cuba, you can guide your guests towards cigars that align with their preferences. Educate yourself on the flavors and strengths associated with different tobacco leaves to provide well-informed recommendations.

Understanding Parejos & Figurados

Cigars come in different shapes and sizes, known as parejos and figurados. Parejos are straight-sided cigars, while figurados have irregular shapes, such as torpedoes or belicosos. It is essential to understand the differences between these two categories and guide your guests accordingly. Parejos offer a consistent smoking experience throughout, while figurados can provide a more dynamic and evolving taste profile. By understanding the characteristics and benefits of each shape, you can help your guests select cigars that align with their preferences and desired smoking experience.

Recognizing Prominent Cigar-Makers

In the world of cigars, certain cigar-makers have earned a well-deserved reputation for their expertise and craftsmanship. Familiarize yourself with renowned cigar-makers such as Carlito Fuente, Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia and Jorge Padron. Understanding the contributions and specialties of these prominent figures will enable you to showcase your knowledge and recommend cigars from these respected brands. By recognizing the work of these cigar-makers, you can elevate your guests’ appreciation for the artistry behind their chosen cigars.

Evaluating Price and Value

When it comes to cigars, price does not always dictate quality. It is crucial to evaluate the price and value of cigars to offer your guests the best options within their budget. While extravagant and rare cigars may carry a hefty price tag, there are also excellent options available in the mid-range price bracket. Encourage your guests to explore cigars that fit their budget, as smoking a great cigar within their means can provide just as much satisfaction as an expensive one. By understanding the relationship between price and value, you can guide your guests towards cigars that offer both quality and affordability.

Developing Your Palate for Cigars

To truly excel in the art of cigar and drink pairing, it is essential to develop your palate for cigars. Take the time to explore and sample a variety of cigars, paying attention to their flavors, aromas and nuances. Train your senses to identify different taste profiles, such as spicy, woody, sweet, nutty, or creamy. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the different tobacco leaves used in cigars, as they can significantly impact the overall flavor. By continuously expanding your palate and knowledge, you will be better equipped to recommend suitable cigars to your guests and provide insightful descriptions of their characteristics.

Matching Cigars with Food & Beverages

One of the most exciting aspects of cigar and drink pairing is the opportunity to match cigars with various food and beverage offerings. Just as wine pairings enhance the dining experience, recommending suitable cigars alongside specific dishes or drinks can elevate the overall satisfaction of your guests. Consider the flavor profiles of both the cigar and the food or beverage. For example, a full-bodied cigar with robust flavors may pair well with a hearty steak or a rich, aged whiskey. Conversely, a milder cigar might complement lighter fare, such as seafood or a crisp white wine. Encourage your guests to experiment with different pairings and provide guidance based on your expertise to enhance their enjoyment.

Selecting Based on Smoking Time

When it comes to cigar selection, it is essential to consider the smoking time. Guests may have varying preferences in terms of the duration they wish to dedicate to their smoking experience. For those seeking a shorter smoke, recommend cigars with smaller ring gauges and shorter lengths. On the other hand, for guests who enjoy a leisurely smoke, suggest cigars with larger ring gauges and longer lengths. By understanding the desired smoking time, you can guide your guests towards cigars that align with their preferences and ensure a satisfactory experience.

Understanding Cigar and Drink Pairing

To embark on this journey of cigar and drink pairing, it is essential to understand the fundamentals. The flavors and aromas of both cigars and drinks play a crucial role in creating a harmonious pairing. When selecting cigars and drinks, consider the following factors:

  1. Taste and Aroma: Take note of the predominant flavors and aromas in both the cigar and the drink. Look for complementary or contrasting elements that can enhance the overall experience.
  2. Strength and Size: Evaluate the strength and size of the cigar and choose a drink that can either complement or balance it. For example, a bold, full-bodied cigar may pair well with a robust whiskey or a rich red wine.
  3. Flavor Profiles: Familiarize yourself with the different flavor profiles of cigars, such as earthy, spicy, or creamy. Pair them with drinks that can accentuate or complement these flavors.
  4. Size and Intensity: Consider the length and ring gauge of the cigar when selecting a drink. A larger, more intense cigar may require a beverage with a stronger flavor profile to match its robustness.

Dos and Don’ts of Cigar and Drink Pairing

When offering cigar and drink pairing suggestions to your guests, keep the following dos and don’ts in mind:

  1. Do offer a variety of pairing options to cater to different preferences. This includes different cigars, drinks and combinations that can suit a range of tastes.
  2. Don’t overwhelm your guests with too many options. Provide a concise selection of well-curated pairings to help them make informed choices without feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Do consider the preferences and expertise of your guests. Some may be cigar aficionados, while others may be novices. Offer guidance and recommendations based on their level of knowledge and experience.
  4. Don’t be afraid to experiment and offer unique pairings. While classic pairings are always a safe bet, offering unexpected combinations can surprise and delight your guests, leaving a lasting impression.

Handling Guest Inquiries

As a hospitality professional, you may encounter guests seeking guidance on cigar and drink pairings. Here are some tips to handle these inquiries:

  1. Be knowledgeable: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the cigar and drink industry. This will enable you to provide accurate and informed recommendations to your guests.
  2. Listen and understand: Take the time to listen to your guests’ preferences and requirements. Understand their flavor preferences, strength preferences and any specific requests they may have.
  3. Offer personalized recommendations: Based on your guests’ preferences, suggest specific pairings that align with their tastes. Highlight the unique qualities of each pairing to help them make an informed decision.
  4. Provide educational experiences: Offer tasting events or workshops that educate your guests on the art of cigar and drink pairing. This not only enhances their knowledge but also adds value to their overall experience.


Mastering the art of cigar and drink pairing is an invaluable skill for hospitality professionals. Cigar and drink pairing is a skill that can greatly enhance the hospitality experience you offer to your guests. By understanding the fundamentals of pairing, following the dos and don’ts, and handling guest inquiries with expertise, you can elevate your work knowledge and skills as a hospitality professional. Embrace the art of cigar and drink pairing, and watch as your guests embark on a sensory journey that leaves a lasting impression.


For more information on Cigars, we recommend the following resources:


Famous Smoke Shop – Find Cigars that Complement Your Favorite Drink:

Carrillo – Cigar and Drink Pairing:


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