Hotel & Restaurant Online Reputation Management

Hotel & Restaurant Online Reputation Management

How hotels and restaurants should manage their online reputation by closely monitoring and appropriately responding to feedback.

Before making purchasing decisions, consumers routinely turn to online platforms to read reviews and seek information from fellow customers/guests. This behavior is inevitable and disregarding it would be shortsighted. Evaluating feedback from both your establishment and competitors is not only cost-free but also insightful.

Individuals perusing reviews online are typically in the final stages of their decision-making process. Having narrowed down their choices to two or three establishments/properties based on various factors such as location, offerings and pricing, they now rely on online reputation and reviews to finalize their decision.

– Engage with your audience

Online users closely observe messages posted on platforms like TripAdvisor, Trivago,, as well as on distributors and social media channels. Consequently, restaurant owners and hoteliers can leverage these platforms to communicate with their audience. Platforms like TripAdvisor offer opportunities for “soft marketing,” allowing businesses to announce forthcoming improvements or showcase new menus, serving as effective communication tools.

– Clarify misconceptions

Occasionally, customers/guests may misremember or exaggerate details in their online reviews, stemming from dissatisfaction with certain aspects such as pricing discrepancies, facilities, or unfulfilled marketing promises. Therefore, it’s crucial to address reviews promptly to provide accurate information and rectify any misconceptions.

– Present your perspective

Just as customers/guests express their opinions and perceptions in their reviews, it’s essential for establishments to articulate their viewpoints to provide a balanced perspective. This helps counterbalance potential exaggerations or misrepresentations in customer/guests reviews.

– Deliver exceptional customer/guest service

Managing and responding to reviews also serves as a form of customer service. Demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to feedback about your establishment reflects a commitment to guest satisfaction. Addressing customer/guest concerns or fulfilling their requests through responses enhances the overall perception of customer/guest service.

– Benefit from constructive feedback

Embracing customer/guest feedback on your products and services presents an opportunity for continuous improvement. Consider such feedback as valuable insights, akin to a cost-free mystery shopper evaluation, which can guide enhancements to your offerings and operations.

– ‘User-generated content’

Encouraging public feedback enhances your establishment’s visibility without resorting to marketing jargon. When customers/guests express themselves using their own language, it opens up additional opportunities for appearing in online searches. This phenomenon is commonly known as user-generated content, representing valuable testimonials that come at no cost.

– Appreciating and engaging with the audience

When a customer shares positive experiences about your establishment, responding to them not only shows appreciation but also encourages them to continue spreading the word. Acknowledging their feedback not only flatters them but also amplifies their positive sentiment across various platforms. Responding with gratitude fosters a positive image of your hotel or restaurant, influencing potential guests’ purchasing decisions.

– Staying vigilant

Monitoring competitors’ online reputations provides insights into their performance, job completions, product launches and promotions. This information is valuable for shaping the commercial strategy of your establishment.

A blue background on which five faces with varying expressions from happiest to least happy.

Responding to Reviews

While it’s tempting to rush into crafting responses, especially when emotions run high, it’s crucial not to waste time or reply impulsively. Instead, take a moment to thoroughly evaluate the review, organizing its aspects by significance. Prepare a response thoughtfully, ensuring it addresses each point effectively. For negative reviews, particularly, double-check your response when you’re in a calmer state of mind to maintain professionalism and clarity.

– Dealing with Negative Reviews

When faced with a negative review, it’s important not to react impulsively. Take time to process the feedback calmly, possibly drafting a response without publishing it immediately. Reflect on the reviewer’s perspective and the site’s online reputation before crafting a response. If the site has a significant following, address the issue promptly and tactfully. However, if it’s a lesser-known platform, it might be best to refrain from responding.

Here are some steps to consider when responding:

    • Identify the reviewer, acknowledging their experience if genuine.
    • Summarize the situation from your perspective.
    • Apologize if necessary and outline steps taken to address the issue.
    • Highlight improvements made to prevent a recurrence.
    • Extend an invitation for future visits.

Addressing Subjective Opinions:

For subjective opinions where no significant issue is raised, maintain professionalism and attention to detail. Acknowledge the guest’s feedback and explain aspects such as menu choices or amenities without conceding fault.

    • Express understanding and offer insights into the experience.
    • Provide information to clarify any misconceptions.
    • Emphasize the establishment’s commitment to quality.

Signing off with your name and role demonstrates personalized customer/guest service.

– Responding to Positive Reviews

It’s essential to respond to positive reviews as well, not just negative ones. While acknowledging every positive review may not be feasible, responding to a portion helps maintain a balanced online presence.

    • Express gratitude for the positive feedback.
    • Highlight strengths or unique features of the establishment.
    • Recognize the efforts of staff members.

Responding to positive reviews reinforces customer/guest appreciation and showcases the establishment’s strengths and teamwork.


For more information on Online Reputation Management, we recommend the following resources:


Semrush – A Beginner’s Guide to Online Reputation Management:

Search Engine Journal – What Is Online Reputation Management (ORM)?:


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