Should You Externalize Your Hotel Security Services?

Should You Externalize Your Hotel Security Services?

Is navigating the complexities of In-House vs Outsourced Hotel Security Services a challenging task for hotel management?

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, providing adequate security measures for guests and staff is crucial in the hotel industry. One of the decisions that hotel management must make is whether to internalize or externalize security services. Both approaches have their benefits and drawbacks, and the right choice will depend on the specific needs and goals of each hotel.

Reasons to Externalize to a Specialized Company

– Cost Control

Outsourcing hotel security to a specialized company proves more cost-effective by negating the need for in-house security hiring, training and associated expenses. The specialized firm takes on the recruitment and training burden, providing a streamlined and budget-friendly solution for the hotel.

This approach not only reduces upfront and ongoing costs related to personnel but also eliminates the financial commitments tied to employee benefits and insurance. By outsourcing security services, hotels can maintain fiscal control, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure a tailored and effective security solution without the burden of managing an in-house security team.

– Handling of Potentially Dangerous Situations

In the hotel industry, where security may involve potential dangers, entrusting the responsibility to trained professionals ensures a safer and more effective response to critical situations. Specialized security companies, equipped with trained personnel, have the expertise needed to handle a range of potential dangers, from minor incidents to more severe threats.

Furthermore, these security experts can provide a comprehensive and up-to-date security plan tailored to the specific needs of the hotel. This includes risk assessments, emergency protocols, and the implementation of advanced security technologies.

By relying on the specialized knowledge and resources of a security company, hotels can enhance their ability to prevent, manage, and respond to potentially dangerous situations, ultimately ensuring the safety and well-being of both guests and staff.

– Access to Advanced Technologies

By partnering with a specialized security company, hotels gain access to an array of advanced security technologies and equipment, including state-of-the-art surveillance systems. This access is particularly advantageous as it allows hotels to benefit from cutting-edge security measures without the financial burden of investing in and maintaining these technologies in-house.

Specialized security firms, often at the forefront of industry advancements, bring expertise in deploying and managing the latest security tools. This outsourcing arrangement not only ensures that the hotel remains at the technological forefront in safeguarding its premises but also allows it to allocate resources more efficiently.

– Improved Guest and Asset Protection

Engaging an external security team provides a fresh and objective perspective on hotel security, facilitating the identification and prevention of potential threats such as theft, pilfering and other criminal activities.

External security professionals, unencumbered by internal biases or familiarity, can conduct thorough assessments and implement measures tailored to the specific needs of the hotel. Their objective viewpoint enables them to identify vulnerabilities that may be overlooked internally, leading to more effective strategies for guest and asset protection.

Reasons to Keep Security In-House

– Personalized Guest Experience

An in-house hotel security team offers a more personalized touch, possessing a deeper understanding of the hotel’s specific needs and goals. This intimate knowledge allows for the creation of a customized and guest-focused security plan, contributing to an environment where guests feel safe and secure throughout their stay.

In-house security personnel, intimately familiar with the hotel’s layout, operations, and guest interactions, can tailor security measures to align seamlessly with the unique characteristics of the establishment. This personalized approach not only enhances the effectiveness of security protocols but also allows for more nuanced and considerate interactions with guests.

In-house security teams can adapt their strategies to align with the hotel’s overall hospitality objectives, contributing to a secure yet welcoming atmosphere that reinforces the overall guest experience.

– Data Protection

Maintaining security in-house ensures that sensitive guest and company information is not shared with a third party, a critical aspect of protecting the privacy of guests and safeguarding the reputation of the hotel.

By handling security internally, the hotel retains control over access to sensitive data, reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosures. This approach aligns with strict privacy standards and regulations, fostering a secure environment where guest information is kept confidential.

– Improved Employee Morale

An in-house hotel security team contributes to a sense of community and teamwork among hotel staff, fostering improved employee morale and creating a more positive working environment.

The presence of an in-house security team encourages collaboration and communication among different departments. Security personnel become an integral part of the hotel’s workforce, interacting with colleagues on a daily basis. This integration not only enhances the overall sense of community within the staff but also promotes a shared commitment to ensuring a safe and pleasant environment for both employees and guests.

Additionally, having familiar faces responsible for security can create a sense of trust and camaraderie, contributing to a positive workplace culture where employees feel valued and supported.

– Tailored Security Measures

An in-house security team offers the advantage of being trained and equipped to meet the specific needs of the hotel, considering factors such as its size, location, type of events, and more. This specialized training and familiarity with the hotel’s intricacies enable the development of a more customized and effective security plan.

In-house security personnel can undergo training programs specifically designed to address the unique challenges and requirements of the hotel environment. This includes understanding the layout of the property, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and tailoring security measures to align seamlessly with the hotel’s operations and objectives.

The result is a security plan that is not only more responsive to the hotel’s specific needs but is also more adaptable to evolving circumstances, contributing to a safer and more secure environment for both guests and staff.


The decision of whether to internalize or externalize security services in a hotel is a complex one that requires careful consideration of a variety of factors. Factors such as cost, industry standards, data protection, employee morale, and guest experience must all be weighed in order to determine the best course of action. Ultimately, the right choice will depend on the specific needs and goals of each hotel, as well as the resources and expertise available to the management.


For more information on Hotel Security, we recommend the following resources:


Roarforgood – 10 Hotel Security Procedures

Indeed – 14 effective hotel security procedures and guidelines:

Real Time Networks – Safety and Security Checklist Assessment for Hotels and Resorts:


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